Saturday, August 30, 2014

Another Mish Mash of Stuff That Has Accumulated

1) I have supplied the coffee and donuts at the last 6 Alumni "Runs" at the track during our May reunions.  Well, maybe the Team supplied it that one year, but they too chose Dunkin Donuts and the Box o' Joe.

It turns out we were trendsetters of a sort as the entire University is now on board with Dunkin Donuts!  Download the app today to get a free coffee after each PSU Football victory this year.

But there may be a competition for official PSU Track Alumni Golf Coffee next year if the merger between the Brazilian-owned Burger King and the Canadian chain of coffee/donut stores, Tim Horton's, reaches full fruition.  Those who have paid attention know my love of Canada and Tim's coffee. They can take the headquarters of BK north, just bring the coffee of Tim further south!

2) The Main Stream Press has also picked up the scandal in the Temple Track Program.

3) Former foursome-teammate Tim Johnson continues to write 3000% better than I for Penn Live with this article on college football.

4) I own a Pomeranian who can't do this.  In fact, mine can only bark incessantly at 4:30AM, eat, poop, pee and then bark incessantly some more.  (And cost me $3500 at an emergency room when he develops hemorrhagic gastroenteritis for unknown reasons.) But then I'm the only person that didn't give up on Monty in the ER, so there's that.

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