Sunday, August 31, 2014

It's Physics Sunday: Exercise Your Brain Too

A little diversion before the coming XC season...

Those who keep track know my love of, not acumen in, Physics. I managed a "B" in Physics classes at PSU, but must admit I wasn't as interested in it back then.  Genetics and Evolution were my favorites back then.  I'd get an "A" in the same Physics courses now,  just by sheer will.

But my obsession with Physics is strictly informative now. It is enjoyable understanding something new now and again, even if it doesn't bring anything more tangible than some smugness among the nerdy class.

So for those who have hung on until now in this post, here is a link to Richard Feynman's Lectures on Physics.  I have paid a lot of money for these in various forms over the years, and now they are a simple click away on the internet!

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