Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It's Hard To Go For A Run When You Can't Leave Your Yard

Several years ago I read a report on the gradually shrinking play areas of children over 4 generations in Great Britain.  The first generation was allowed to roam over 4 towns and 16 square miles, while each generation was restricted more and more to the point of a restriction to the immediate neighborhood.  The trend continues today, with many children not being allowed to leave their yard even when mom or dad is watching.

And now 68% of Americans say that parents allowing their children to play unattended at a park should be arrested.

I was never restricted from playing anywhere in rural Pennsylvania and can remember playing "War" over the whole town.  Now, I would be arrested for carrying a "gun" made from tinker-toys, and all the adults would be locked up for allowing all of us to roam.

This is not an effective way to stimulate interest in, and promotion of distance running.  It's a wonder the sport even still exists.


  1. Matt, my guess is that neither of your parents fit into that mold!

  2. Is Kenyan moms and dads are now required to run 10,000 meters to and from school with their kids, that's going to make medalling in the super masters age groups much harder. But I got them.skinny suckers in the weight events.



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