Tuesday, September 2, 2014

RIP Jane Welzel

5-time Olympic Trial Marathoner and former Nittany Lion and winner of the 1979 Nittany Valley Marathon Jane Welzel passed away recently following an aggressive onset of pancreatic cancer. 

I remember her as an honest and extremely friendly runner, always eager to lend a helping hand.  Her adopted home-town of Fort Collins Colorado is in mourning for this running pioneer and Colorado Running Hall of Fame member.

Does anyone have any memories of Jane and her time in State College?


  1. Jane Welzel was 1979 PSU Women'e xc coach of Kathy Mills, Heather Carmichael, etc. US marathon champ in 1990 at 2:30.

  2. Thanks Bruce. (And Coach of my wife, Barb Black also.) She was a nice person. I was shocked to see her pass so young.

  3. Thanks for sharing this--I would not have seen it otherwise. Actually I remember meeting Jane and then husband Steve in State College when I was a high school kid and then reconnecting with them when I came to Boston after college to run my first marathon (Bostonfest). Jane was always warm and welcoming to me, and I remember appreciating my friendship with her when we went on a long run together years later when she was coaching at Wellesley College. I recently bumped into her a year or two ago at the local bagel shop on the border of the Wellesley College campus, it was so great to see her, and we chatted for a few minutes. Same friendly thoughtful person as always! As much as we all love running, my memories are of Jane the person, not the runner, even though she was quite an accomplished athlete.

  4. Anon, above me, ran Bostonfest?? Martha White, State College HS grad? That you?

    Did not know Jane while she was at PSU but talked to her a few times at running events. Forever running Trials marathons. Decent runner, decent person.

  5. Yes, that's from Martha (White) Collins via Facebook. I copied and pasted it for her. My Daughter the Elder is named for her. Small world.


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