Saturday, November 29, 2014

Let's Catch Up On Some Things Prior To The Indoor Season

The Penn State Team puts a lot of emphasis on the indoor season because we have one of the best facilities around.  And there are plenty of opportunities to catch some action this year in the relative warmth of the Horace Ashenfelter III Complex. (Especially for those of us who remember the Ice Palace, which is the Football team's Lasch indoor facility now.  Except they have added heat!)

  1. Penn State Relays    January 10, 2015.  I'll miss this one while trapped like a rat in Disney!
  2. Nittany Lion Challenge    January 17, 2015 
  3. Penn State National Open     January 30-31   I hope to make this one, as I look forward to a sub-4 mile every year.  A good event to see plenty of Alumni Golfers!
  4. Sykes-Sabock Challenge Cup    February 6-7   I haven't made this event in the past, but this year I'll have to somehow get there for the Dinner/Social Celebration with Coach Groves, Coach Jordan and other coaches after the event on Saturday!  We should be hearing more about this soon.  I have lobbied for a Kung Po feast, but I don't think anyone heard me!
  5. Penn State Tune-Up    February 21   Not sure about this one, but I'll bring my car in case that's what they mean.
And I've had some submissions on some topics I have brought up before on the only blog detailing track and field, golf, physics and.....

  • Running does not cause arthritis.  Repeat, running does not cause arthritis.  Everyone telling you this doesn't run and feels guilty about it.  And the science behind it is way better than current climate science.    May Even Help Prevent It!
  • Stretching doesn't do you any good.  Repeat, stretching doesn't do you any good.  I knew this instinctively early on, but what are you going to do.  (Warming muscles up IS very important before heavy exercise. But they are very different things.)   It's A Trap!
  • I was correct to be panicked (even though I blacked out and don't remember my Flight Reaction to running directly into a bear). I didn't have a camera available in 1980 when it happened during a run, but the Rutgers student that was killed by a black bear recently did.  His last picture makes me cringe. 

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