Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Physics of Footballs

If there's one thing I hear a lot as Head Idiot here at the blog with it all, it's "there's not enough Physics!"
So as we await the Penn State National Meet this weekend let's get into a little topical Physics Knowledge.

As a noted (and increasing) Curmudgeon, I care less and less about the Super Bowl each year.  I spent this whole year alternating rooting for and against the Philadelphia Eagles, a team I've rooted for since 1964. That was when games weren't even on television for those youngsters reading this. And guys routinely played "on both sides of the ball". Nowadays, there are actually 2nd down pass rushing specialists! Notice, I didn't say 3rd down pass rushing specialists.  That's a whole different group!

The Inflategate Fiasco has me totally perplexed.  As much as I would love to see some people punished severely, I am pretty certain the same thing has occurred thousands of times before. Thousands. Of. Times.

But just to be complete, Physicists have weighed in to solidify the knowledge on the subject. And their conclusions should be quite damning to Mr. Knit-Cap-Know-Nothing and his Coach, Mr. Videotape Everything.


  1. Here are the calculations done the old-fashioned way using the combined gas law.

    68F = 293.1k

    51F = 283.7

    12.5*258.5/293.1 = 11.024

    x*258.5/283.7 = 11.024

    x = 11.024*283.7/258.5 = 12.098psi =expected P due to temperature change

    12.5-12.1 = 0.4psi expected deflation

    Actual deflation was 2.0psi

    0.4psi/2.0psi = 20%

  2. Thanks G And the 2nd episode of 800U: The Reality Series is being filmed this weekend in SC. Georgetown/PSU head to head in 800/Mile/DM. Should be good. Exactly like we hope. Not sure if I can make it, but there will be minions everywhere for us.


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