Friday, January 16, 2015

Time Is Running Out To Join Over 60 Of Your Friends Both Old And New

The Coach's Reception for Coach Teri Jordan and Coach Harry Groves will occur following the Sykes-Sabock Challenge on Saturday February 7th at 6:30PM to 8:30PM at Rotelli's State College, located at Calder Square.  This will be an Italian buffet with an open bar.  It's almost like the 19th hole at the Coach Groves Golf Tournament!

Please RSVP by emailing Will Rottler back at with the number that will be attending. Already, 60 people are confirmed! You must get your RSVP in by the end of January!

There are many members of our group confirmed for the event.  But there are also numerous people who have not been back to Happy Valley in quite a while.  And we hope to recruit more members to our efforts to become the largest and most active Track Alumni Group in the world. Help us out by spreading the word.

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