Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Well Earned Recognition

We previously told you about the wonderful coaching exploits of my teammate Tom Rapp.  I'm honest when I say, I can't imagine someone more qualified to be coaching the youth of America than Tom. I hope to see him again at the Coaches Reception at the upcoming Sykes-Sabock Meet in early February.  That's because Tom is always coaching during our Alumni Reunions and Golf Tournaments.  (Except the one that got his name on the Coach Groves Memorial Cup!)

Well, others have noticed as well.  Our William and Mary adjunct Alumni Golfer Brian Mount forwarded me this article detailing Tom's Coach of the Year honors for the State of Ohio.

And don't forget to vote on the left sidebar for the performance of the year 2014! Only a few days left.


  1. Can someone post any information on the track alumni gathering at PSU on the weekend of 6-7 Feb?

  2. Coming in tomorrow's post! But there has been several mentions already in previous posts. Scroll back a few.


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