Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Birthday Present For Coach Groves

With Coach Groves missing his first Penn Relays in 70 years, many people stood up and brought the Penn Relays to Coach Groves.  Mark Hawkins, Nick K., and Larry Mangan  Clark Haley updated Coach live over the phone during the Sprint Medley Relay Championship of America victory.  And the entire team group of alumni at the reception on Friday night made sure to sign a Program for him which was delivered on Sunday.

Addendum:  I supplied Mark with Coach's phone # prior to the event, so I assumed it was those guys who updated Coach on the shenanigans going on at the track.  (See:  Ass, you, me...)

Photo courtesy of Will Rottler. Thanks Will.


  1. Once again the facts are not getting in the way of a good story. Clark Haley was the person giving Harry the live play-by-play of the SMR on his cell phone.

    Nick, Hawk and I were in the vicinity of Clark, but we were standing next to Elvis and DB Cooper helping them understand the intricacies of the Sprint Medley Relay.


  2. I'm pretty sure Elvis works at a Piggly Wiggly in North Carolina. And DB Cooper works for TSA in Butte, Montana.

    Those responsible for the erroneous facts in the original post have been shamed, ridiculed and sent to bed without dinner.


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