Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Still Another First Hand Account Of "The Race"

We have had previous remembrances of The Race before, from Randy Moore and Steve Shisler. Here's another remembrance of that specific race from David Zeiters, who had just finished his Sprint Medley race and was with Coach Groves along the wall.  Dave even managed to take some pics of the aftermath with one of those old-fashioned film cameras the kids today know nothing about!  Thanks for letting me steal all of this to make the blog with it all more complete!

Vance Watson, Steve Shisler and Chris Mills.

I'm actually in this pic in the first row near the orange guy!

Vance Watson and Randy Moore. "Give me that baton!"

"Thirty years ago today, I saw one of the greatest track events in my life when the Penn State men’s 4x 800m relay team won at the 1985 Penn Relays with the best time in the world that year! A smoking 7:11.17!I had just finished my 200m leg in the Sprint Medley relay race, grabbed my sweats, and rushed back out to the track to watch the highly anticipated men’s 4x800m relay race. We all knew we had great 800m runners and it would be a good race. I ended up standing on top of the back of a bench leaning up against the north brick wall next to Coach Groves. I remember Coach with his Spiked Shoe ball cap on had his notebook and stop watch ready to call out the splits. Vance Watson was our first leg and started the race. I remember Coach yelling, “let’s go Vance!” After a great first leg, Vance handed the baton off to Steve Shisler in first place. As Steve rounded the first turn in front of us Coach yelled “beat’m to the curve Steve!” Steve ran a blazing second leg and handed off the baton still in first place to our young freshman stud, Chris Mills. All the while Coach is barking out split times for Judy or Joe to write down. Chris just went out and ran probably his best 800m split of the year. Chris finished a strong leg and handed off to our All-American 800m runner, Randy Moore. Then it happened. It was one of those perfect runs you maybe see a few times in your lifetime. Randy busted out an unbelievable 800! As he fought off the Georgetown runner on the last lap down the straight a way we were screaming our lungs out until he crossed the finish line in first place. I looked over to Coach and he had this elated amazed look on his face and said, “my God he ran a 1:45.”As the four guys started their victory lap, I grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures as they jogged past us. I was standing by Coach and remember Vance yelling over to him, “Coach we did it!” I saw Coach have a tear in his eyes and a smile from ear to ear. I have never seen Coach happier. Thirty years ago today."
-David Zeiters.


  1. A well-deserved Relays record for four great athletes. It's exciting to see what can happen when things come together at just the right time. They were talented, prepared, focused, and had a hunger for success that I saw way back in 1983. They had confidence in their coach and executed their plan perfectly. Just amazing!

  2. Great performances don't just happen, they are rehearsed in the mind for months, even years, beforehand.

    It's especially telling that Vance Watson, rather than deflecting blame for his abysmal performance in the DMR, took responsibility and promised it wouldn't happen again. When a teammate wants you to "gimme the baton, and get out of my way" you can sleep well at night.


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