Friday, April 3, 2015

I'm All In If They Bring Back Franklin Field's Old "Mens Rooms"

 "When I was a kid, I saw an illegal dice game in the bathroom at Franklin Field."
-Matthew Groves, 2013, remembering the Penn Relays Carnival

Turns out the University of Penn wants to apply for the NCAA Championships in 2022.  They never have been able to host the event because of the limitations of their track.  This is despite the fact that the Penn Relays have always been the best run sports event in the nation.  Anyone sitting in on Saturday's early events and seeing a 4 x 400 relay go off ahead of schedule every 5 minuts for 2 hours at a time knows this.

There will need to be a major overhaul of the facility, moving the brick wall back 3 rows, and putting the steeplechase pit on the inside of the oval. (yeah, I know it's not an oval.) Of course that will mean lane one will finally be the inside lane for the first time in many, many years.

I'm just hoping they bring back the original mens rooms, where there was never a line!

Thanks to George McWilliams for the tip on this one.  George also relates he is pictured in the previous 2 photos from Greg Reyner.  And another of Greg's is coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Fact checker checking in. Penn did host NCAA's in 1976. I think I was there seeking autographs. Anyone remember Harvey Glance?


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