Saturday, May 16, 2015

Alumni "Run" Another Success

My blurry cell phone pic of the start.
More than 20 brave and hardy Alums and Boosters braved the warm and muggy conditions for the 14th Annual Alumni"Run" at 9:00AM today.  One lap of the track was followed with a loop of the campus and then actual intervals again on the track.

We will actually have a plethora of real photographer pics of the event by Jim McClelland from the PSU Track Parents Connection.  The future is bright for PSU Track and Field with Alumni teaming with Parents and the PSU Program itself.  When recruits see the breadth of support from so many forces, they can't help but be impressed.  I hope Jim is having as much fun with us as we are having him with us.  Now we'll see if he can golf!  (Don't worry  Jim.  I can't.)

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