Sunday, May 17, 2015

Only The Second Accepted Excuse For Missing This Weekend's Festivities

Previously, I accepted Sam Masters' excuse of his wedding day in Missouri as the first certified excuse for missing our Reunion and Golf Tourney.  Good luck Sam!  Now, a second excuse was (reluctantly!) accepted from  Ron Moore.  Ron ran a 50-Miler  56-MilerTrail Run in mountainous Tennessee Northern Georgia yesterday!  That's plenty of time to contemplate the wonders of the Universe, as Physicists are wont to do...  I alerted Ron that errors of fact are features of the blog, not a detriment.  But I can understand being upset by failing to mention that additional 6 miles AFTER the first 50! As a peace offering (and bribe) his first year's attendance at the Event will be paid by me!

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