Sunday, September 6, 2015

Help Spread The Word And Win!

Now that the Cross Country season has finally begun, and this Blog has taken a vow not to mention the Sport played with an oblong and pointed ball any more this year, you are going to need something else to do.

My recommendation is to help spread the word of our Track and Field (and XC!) Alumni Group.  Eventually this leads to an increase in the Coach Groves Scholarship Endowment!  As an incentive, I'm offering a chance to win a fabulous prize to be drawn at next year's Reunion Awards Dinner.  I figure my circle of friends is (really!) limited, so let's expand the circle to all of your more numerous friends.  Like a pyramid scheme or something.  Without the buy-in and the inevitable realization that you've been had!

So here's the deal:

  • You get one entry for each time you Share a post on Social Media or email it to wider audience (be sure to include me in the email).  One per post.
  • I'll keep track of the numbers via a spreadsheet specially formulated by an Excel expert not affiliated with
  • We will draw a winner from the accumulated mess at the next Reunion, and...
  • Someone will win a free entry to a future Reunion and Golf Tourney and $100 in cash.
In order to help keep me from having to take food away from my hungry children to make up for the $250 I have invested in the contest....  Merely clicking on the ads garners us a few cents.  Actually going deeper into the site garners increasing amounts of mullah.  Actually buying something may bring us gold coins or something.

*All proceeds from the ads are destined for the benefit of the group.

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Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)