Friday, September 4, 2015

Teammates Are Forever

I have had a couple of submissions about some teammates of mine, from teammates of mine, that I wish to pass along.

First up, roommate Doug "Do Right" Kent dug up his copy of the 1980 Penn Relays Program including this photo of the 1979 Marathon winner.  I know Tim Backenstose frequently checks in.  He'll be pleased to see this again.  As was I!

And Larry Mangan sent this announcement along from a Houston friend of Marc Dunmire.  Marc was a teammate of both of us and a long time PSU Football seat-mate of Larry's.  Let's help Marc get his memorial paving stone!

Dear Friends and Family of Marc Dunmire,

Marc had and
always will have a special place in each of our lives.

A day doesn't go by
without thinking of Marc. Many times I find myself picking 
up the phone to tell him about an upcoming sporting event,
to play golf or just to tell him about a
comic situation that only Marc's humor would understand.

Marc influenced our
lives in so many ways.  I wanted to create some way to 
memorialize his memory for all of us.  Marc spent a lot 
of time at running at Memorial Park. The
running center is a brand new facility at Memorial Park 
which offers pavers for individuals names. These pavers 
are for purchase in two sizes,
12" x 24" of 24" x 24".

If you are interested in participating in a paver for
Marc please email or call me for more information or 
questions. Also please forward this to friends, co-workers, 
or others not included in this email. The cost of the 12"x24" 
paver is $2500, the "24 x 24" is %5000. 


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