Friday, October 7, 2016

We (Indirectly) Made It To The Big Time!

When I put in my defense of safe drone flying and cross country coverage, I asked George Brose for his opinion on the matter.  As the author of a great and award-winning track and field blog, I value his thoughts and delight that he appreciates the mirth I try to bring to the subject.  So much so, that I made him our honorary Obersturmbahndronenfuhrer.

His reply was everything I hoped for, but it also stimulated a literature bug he already had.

Hence, he put a post up about the St. Crispin's Eve Speech given by Henry V in Shakespeare's Play.  George decided it made a fine pre-meet speech from a cross-country coach facing an uphill "battle" like the British force had against the French way back then. He has translated it for us in his post.

He chose Coach Grove as the deliverer of the speech, citing him as  a living legend and the epitome of the salty toughness of the old time coaches.  I agree.

Now, George has had his post picked up by Track and Field News, and indirectly our humble blog is linked on The Bible of the Sport. 


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