Saturday, September 9, 2017

Game Day Breakfast: Sh*tt on Pitt

I had breakfast just now with my dog Spott, who somehow broke into the closet yesterday and ate a week's worth of his food.  Needless to say, I was up extremely early in my RV for an evacuation of my own, although not nearly as critical as the one in Florida.  But Spott did live up to the chant from us students from years ago, Sh*tt on Pitt.  I'm sure that's not allowed anymore, but we must remember it was a Pitt fan who took a sledgehammer to the Lion Shrine's ear, and this is my blog!

Spott, contemplating his breakfast.
 Also, Ed Carroll sent me this pic of Larry Mangan and friends (that's Todd Kletter, Jonathon Weaver and Ed Carroll with Larry Mangan.) visiting Coach Groves yesterday.

And I will be adding some pics from today's tailgate later...

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