Sunday, September 10, 2017

Some Curmudgeon Notes On The Pitt Game

  1. It's not a good day if you are barfing at 10:00am outside your RV site more than10 miles away from the Stadium for a 3:30PM game. Thankfully, I didn't know the guy.
  2. 109,000 people are way too many.
  3. I went to 2 tailgates and didn't get to eat anything but a smidgen of bbq, Doritos and some chocolate-covered pretzels.
  4. People drink way too much in celebration of 19 yo kids playing a game that is probably giving them brain damage.
  5. The whole campus is delightful once the game has started.  Had to make my way from a tailgate to Pattee Library so we could use a computer for hospital orders.  Technology will be the death of us all, just as the Unabomber told us...
  6. Downtown State College is delightful once the game has started.  I have purchased running shoes the past 2 weeks from Terry Losch at Rapid Transit and had a bike fixed at Freeze Thaw Bikes during the games.
  7. No one awakened at the remote RV site as of 8:00am but me.  Bizarre for an RV site.
Tailgate 1: This trailer actually has a bathroom, shower, kitchen, ac, 2 TVs and more.

The Great Unwashed at the Stadium.

Tailgate 2: 2-Time Coach Harry Groves Tourney winner Don Ziter with some idiot.

Pattee wasn't empty, but nearly so...

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