Tuesday, October 3, 2017

One Ring To Bind Them...

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One of the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Just last week I referenced the One ring to rule them all (2017 Mens Big Ten title ring).  Now I get to reference the One ring to bind them all (I suppose the "darkness and shadows" refers to the hiding place of the ring in the State Forest...) Yeah, it's a JRR Tolkien reference for you non-nerds out there...

Sometimes I get lucky.  I especially like it when I have a post handed to me for the blog which is better than anything that my meager mind can create.  And this one is 100% unvarnished Truth!
This ring binds Penn State Track and Field with another part of my life, Apple Hill Surgery Center!  I have been fortunate enough to have worked at the finest Surgical Center in America for the past 30 years. (Don't forget my Special this month on Pumpkin Spice Bunionectomies!)  When A-Team Nurse Sheila Powers told me this tale about her parents, I was amazed.  But when she showed me the pic of the owner, I was practically floored! 

Anyway, here's the story from Sheila, as verified by her parents...

September 17: Bill and Diane Amick from Halifax, Pa were visiting Bald Eagle State Park for their end of summer camping trip. The couple enjoys to camp and explore campgrounds using their metal detectors.
September 20th the couple was metal detecting along the area directly surrounding the lake. Diane was near a paved walkway when her metal detector registered a 'hit'. To Diane's surprise and delight, two inches in the soil she unearthed a ring! The ring was not immediately recognizable due to the soil that filled and covered its inscriptions. Upon a soap and water bath they were able to see what she discovered. She had, in her possession, a beautiful 2008 Big Ten, Top 4, Track and Field Penn State ring with the name of 'Spence' engraved on the outside and 'Fritz Spence' engraved on the inside. The only damage to the ring was the hole for the finger was not perfectly round.
September 21st they departed Bald Eagle State Park for another leg of their camping trip and on
September 26th they ended their memorable vacation and returned to their respective home. Bill and Diane were excited to try to find the owner of this ring. They utilized the internet (for the greater good) and were able to determine that the owner of this ring was still a coach for the track and field Penn State team!!
September 27, Bill and Diane called the phone number that was listed in the Penn State directory and to their delight Coach Spence answered!
They quickly explained the reason for calling and were pleased about his mutual excitement! Coach Spence and the Amicks agreed to a meeting at the home of Bill and Diane the next afternoon.

Never for a moment, did Diane think of anything but finding and returning her most prized discovery to its rightful owner. Along the way, the Amicks were inspired by the young man and his story of survival and life accomplishments! Diane returned Coach Spence's ring to him and they both wore the biggest, most grateful smiles. They shared social time together over snacks and coffee that filled the hearts of this retired couple. They were thrilled to do something nice for such an exceptional person whom they now revere as a friend.

Dave...if you would like to clear facts and hear vantage point with Coach Spence about any of this, please do. He told my parents that he thought he might have lost his ring 5 years prior at the lake playing football with his son...but wasn't certain that he had worn it that day. He also said that this particular ring although 1 of 9, was very special because it was his first.
Thank you so much for spreading some positivity in this crazy world!

And don't forget Fit For Fritz!

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