Thursday, October 5, 2017

There's A Reason No One Runs 24-Hour Relays Anymore!

Our great friend and owner of the world's best Track and Field Museum (in his garage!), Mike Fanelli, posted a page of results from a 24-Hour Relay in 1971 or so.  There are some big names on the list, including Gerry Lindgren, Tom Fleming (RIP) and Mark Covert (of streaking fame!).

This, of course got a spirited response of comments from many.  The overwhelming thrust of which was "I'll never do that again!"

"It was awful. What started out to be a simple mile run every 44 minutes or so turned into a leg-killing fiasco after about 18 miles. I couldn't imagine running that slow."
-Gerry Lindgren. 

Some others chimed in with other remembrances of "the ordeal", including mine from a 1977 attempt for the Pennsylvania State Record.

Here's results from a very good team from New Zealand...

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