Thursday, October 19, 2017

Throwback Thursday: Sport Or Not A Sport

With the recent announcement of three additional "sports" in the Olympic family, I have resurrected a post from 5 years ago to figure out whether they are sports or not.  Apply the criteria I came up with in 2012 and judge for yourselves.

Is pole dancing a sport?  Is foosball a sport?  Is Poker a sport?

Let's see...

Sport or Not a Sport?

  1. Any sport that has Communist Judges as the final rulers of place, regardless of what has just taken place.  Not a Sport.
  2. Any sport that has hair glitter as a near-requirement.  Not a Sport.
  3. Any sport where animals do the bulk of the work.  Not a Sport.
  4. Any sport where music is integral to the event.  Not a Sport.
  5. Any sport where a participants "personality" is immensely important to the outcome.  Not a Sport.
  6. Any sport where half the participants have prescriptions for medications only 1 or 2% of the normal population take.  Not a Sport.
  7. Any sport that is what others call a board-game. Not a Sport.
  8. Any sport using kids bikes. Not a Sport.
  9. Any sport using artistic ribbons Not a Sport.
  10. Any sport using playing cardsNot a Sport.
  11. Any sport normally performed in a bar, or which could be adequately performed while holding a beer.  Not a Sport.
  12. Any sport where being under 13 years-old is not a hindrance to performance.  Not a Sport.
  13. Any sport in which the most important feature is the skimpiness of the uniform.  Not a Sport.
  14. Any sport played in a kid's sand-box.  Not a Sport.
  15. Any sport most often played as a diversion from a Fourth of July picnic or a family reunion.  Not A Sport.

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