Monday, November 27, 2017

More On Our Vatican Envoy

I reported yesterday on Penn State Track Alumni (Golfer) Matt Chadwick's photo with Pope Francis, and it has caused quite a stir among readership.  So I set the Interns on a task to come up with more, even with their post-Thanksgiving  bloating and malaise.

And they came through for me!

First on the list is a mention of Greg Fredericks in the New York Times...
PHILADELPHIA, May 26—Greg Fredericks continues to surprise people, including Harry Groves, his coach at Penn State.
Before the start of the sixmile run in the I. C. 4‐A outdoor track and field championships today, Groves held brief strategy session with his distance runner.
“What do you have in mind” the Penn State coach asked.
“We're going to set a 27:55 pace,” Fredericks replied.
The West Lawn, Pa., senior was timed in 27 minutes 54.3 seconds, the fastest performance ever by an I. C. 4‐A collegian and another indication of how far Fredericks has emerged as the East's premier distance runner.
But further into the article comes this...
His victory coupled with courageous third‐place finish by Matt Chadwick, enabled Penn State to take the first-day lead in the two‐day, 20-event at Franklin Field with 13 points.
Matt is now the Parish Priest at Saint Anthony of Padua Church in Rye, East Sussex, England.

1 comment:

  1. Greg never did run that steeplechase, I'm pretty sure...


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