Friday, December 1, 2017

A Cold World Record And My Favorite Comedian

I haven't had much to go on lately and my day job is still far too demanding.  So I have to bring some non-PSU Track stuff to the fore.

First, a world record mile was just set on the Antarctic Continent.  4:17 seems a little slow when I remember Alan Scharsu running a 4:09 in the Ice Palace in 9 degree weather!

And here's a pic of my favorite comedian of all competing in track and field, although from the pic I can only surmise it was the discus event???

Jim Gaffigan walked onto the Purdue football team for his Freshman campaign but then transferred to Georgetown for his remainder of college.  So we can say he was a fellow Big Ten athlete, at least for a bit!
“I have so many fond memories from Purdue,” Gaffigan said. “Most seem to involve walking. I walked onto the football team and walked away after I didn't like getting my head bashed in. I remember walking to some classes that were, for some reason, at 7 a.m., walking to Hardee's at 11:30 at night, finally buying a bike, and then walking after it fell apart after two days. Go Boilers.”

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