Saturday, August 11, 2018

My Movie Producer Career Is Gaining Steam

The third movie that I have helped to produce is coming soon.  And it has a big Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Golf) connection.

To be honest, for the last two films, I have only participated in the crowdsourcing to get them made.  In the Bannister: Everest On The Track film, I helped fund the musical score for the film.  In an indirect group link to the movie, Nick K. worked with Roger's son in London.

But I was a full-fledged Associate Producer for the 2015 remake of the worst movie ever made, Plan 9 From Outer Space, from Ed Wood, who was played by Johnny Depp in the movie about him.

You can see my IMDb entry here.  And I am committed to the possible sequel to this science fiction/zombie movie.  In a link to our group, Steve Black appeared in the original trailer for the movie. Plan 9: 2015

Now, the latest of "my film projects" will be coming to the screen.  It stars our group's Hanna Humphreys' father, Joe Humphreys.  We are excited to release the official trailer for Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys - currently an official selection of Breckenridge Film Festival 2018 and Chagrin Documentary Film Festival 2018.

Live The Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys - Official Trailer from Nomadic Studio on Vimeo.

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