Thursday, August 9, 2018

Still More About That 1968 Olympic Trials Marathon

Our newest member, Joe Head, got to relive the thrill of his amazing achievement of running in the first US Olympic Marathon Trials 50 years ago.  This time, he was an honored guest at the Reunion.  He was even roasted by one of the two Directors of the race, Coach Joe Vigil, who had tried to thwart his efforts the first time.  Now they have mended their differences!

The only way Joe made it into the race (other than his nagging persistence and inability to say "no"!) was to meet up with the other Director of the race on the morning of the event.  That was the great American marathoner, Buddy Edelen.  He was thrilled to allow the undertrained novice marathoner into the race!

I have called Buddy Edelen the John the Baptist of American Marathoning.  His achievements and training are incredible in a time before the "running boom" began after Frank Shorter's 1972 Olympic victory.  Frank was just an unknown wannabe from Yale in that 1968 race, which he did not finish.   Get Buddy Edelen's story "A Cold Clear Day" on Amazon Here.

One of the people at Joe's table at the Reunion was Buddy's son Brent.  Full circle of life.

Brent Edelen and Joe





Joe with Pikes Peak Marathon winner, 1966-1971, Steve Gachupin.
Joe Vigil roasts Joe Head.

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