Saturday, April 6, 2019

Elvis Never Left The Building

While we wait for the results of the Battle of the Bayou in Baton Rouge and even my Daughter the Younger's first steeplechase in upstate NY, my quest for Elvis in Las Vegas came to a glorious conclusion!

I finally met The King at the Denny's on Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas.  And The King delivered far more than I had ever hoped for.

I had actually arranged a renewal of vows with Elvis himself as the Minister, and decided that Denny's completed the package as an All-American affair.

I cannot overstate how tremendous the whole thing was.  Spouse the Better even agreed to keep me as her Husband the Inept after 30.80 years of wedded bliss.  The fact that Elvis was there was a thrill for all of us, even Daughter the Elder, who loves Elvis because of the movie Lilo and Stitch.

I lucked into obtaining the 2018 Las Vegas Wedding Minister of the Year!  Roland August does weddings with and without his Elvis persona.  He delivered a personalized ceremony with amazing attention to detail, fabulous singing of 5 Elvis classics and entertaining poses for all the pics.  Anyone looking for a similar ceremony should definitely arrange it with the best at wwwDOTthemobileministerDOTcom.

It turns out that Spouse the Better emailed numerous friends in the past days the Katy Perry video "Waking Up in Vegas".  When our Elvis found this out, he laughed and couldn't believe it. Then he told us that he was the Elvis in that video!

And just an hour before our ceremony, way on the other end of the Strip, Jimmy Kimmel was filming a surprise wedding segment involving David Spade and Celine Dion.  Our Elvis was the minister at that ceremony seen on the show last night!  And he wasn't in his Elvis persona!

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