Thursday, April 4, 2019

It's A Dry Heat: In Search Of Elvis

As the outdoor season progresses, it;s time to renew your vows to the team and program that helped make you the great person you have become.  You can do that by coming to the 2019 Penn State Track and Field Alumni Reunion, and even participate in the Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament!

Great things are happening in Track and Field/XC in Happy Valley.  We need your help in augmenting the energy that is accelerating these great things.  You can find out all about it by reading this post and sending your entry fees in to Harry Smith.

I already have my entry in, so I figured I would do something I have never done before.  So I cancelled a few days of work and booked a trip to Las Vegas to look for Elvis.  He hasn't called me back yet, but I hope to meet him at Denny's downtown.  I will keep you updated with the quest.


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