Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My Barkley Marathons Will Be Held As Scheduled

Now that there is virtually nothing in the track and field world to even write about besides cancelations and the repercussions, I have decided to go on as planned with my very own Barkley Marathons as scheduled.

Previously, I had applied to the event's Inventor and Race Director, Lazarus Lake, to be included in the Press contingent for the event.  Not knowing the inscrutable ways of applying for this, I was invariably late to the line.  I did get a nice response from Laz, which seemed to indicate he liked my idea of reportage for the event.  That was somewhat encouraging for the prospect of being there next year to bring my 100s of readers the in-depth, offbeat reportage they have come to expect from the "blog with it all."

Concurrently, our very own Ron Moore, our group's  Esteemed Endowed Erwin Schrodinger Chair for Advanced Physics, obtained the coveted "condolence letter" this year that meant he was included among the 40 lucky starters for "the race that eats its young."  We have been conversing about his preparation and fitness for several weeks, looking forward to a Fun Run completion or even greater accolades!

I had even been preparing to cover the race from Blog Central since I wasn't going to be allowed anywhere near Frozen Head State Park in rural Tennessee.  I figured I would combine the blog with my favorite hobby right now, which is creating Lego versions of my real world.  Having given up on News, Politics, and Sports for nearly 6 months now, I needed something more than the blog to keep my mind occupied.

So I have rather detailed sets for all the aspects of the race created in miniature form, I was going to use this to bring the real news of the event gleaned via the internet to my readers in a whimsical format.  With the event being canceled, I can't let my versions of Laz and Ron be relegated to the Lego storage tubs, so I will keep them out and continue bringing the hows and whys of the peculiar race as if it was really proceeding "normally."  I am depending on Ron to help me with the scenario!  Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!

First up will be the application process, which is ephemeral at best...   Coming Soon. 

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