Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Even The Application Process For The Barkley Marathons Is Difficult

In order to be included in the "lucky" 40 people chosen for the most difficult race in the world, a labyrinth of procedures must be done on a time schedule that is unknown.  That's right, in order to get into the race, you must apply on a certain day, at a certain time which is unknown.  I have been hooked on the event for several years and I only have an inkling when that is.  In order to know, I conjecture you must immerse yourself in the culture until someone lets slip when that is.  And that is a best-guess estimate.  Much like predicting the bottom on the Stock Market, good luck!  My guess on when to apply to be among the Press allowed in Frozen Head State Park during the race was wildly off.

The application itself is an essay on why you deserve to be included in the ranks of the runners in the nearly impossible race.  I have never come across any of the essays, as secrecy is better among this gang than that seen with other secretive groups like the Masons or maybe even the Illuminati!  What Lazarus Lake does with these essays is also a secret.  There are occasionally other requirements which can change willy-nilly and are not standard.

The entry must be mailed in with the $1.60 entry fee, which is non-refundable.  As far as I know, the entry fee has remained steady since the start of the event in 1986.

Also included in the registration is a written examination of 5-6 esoteric questions ranging across the spectrum of human knowledge,  math, Physics, chemistry, history among them.  Grades for the exams are never given or results divulged except when a perfect score is achieved.  This has only happened once in the past 5 years. One question has been repeated each of at least the last 5 years.  Apparently, it has never been answered "correctly."

With the track record of accuracy on this blog, I am hoping that Ron Moore will correct any errors, which will be transparently amended. 

Here, Ron Moore fills out his written examination for inclusion in the Barkley Marathons.  This happened sometime in late 2019.  Ron must not have received a perfect score, but there was a Physics question he aced!

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