Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sorry, But You Made It

The Barkley Marathons got real for Ron Moore when he received an email with condolences from Race Director Lazarus Lake several months ago. Somehow, he was happy after being the next runner up in last year's Weight List. Although Ron will have to wait until next year to really run the race, our Lego version of Ron soldiers on... 

Following the cumbersome and demanding application process, runners are informed of their acceptance into the ranks of Barkley runners via a condolence letter. In the olden days it was via snail mail, but nowadays Lazarus uses email to inform of the "Good news."

The letter also includes details of when the race is being held. Yeah, the race is held on a day only Laz knows. It is usually a weekend somewhere around Apri Fool's Day. This is never published as far as I know. Word of mouth spreads it far and wide, but is frowned upon by members of the Inner Circle.

Runners who completed 2 or more loops the previous year are invited, as long as the application process has been adhered to. Most reapply and are at the yellow gate the next year.  
Error: Only runners who complete all 5 circuits are guaranteed entry the next year according to Ron Moore.  I was wrong.     More on that gate later.

The condolence letter comes in enough time to sorta kinda prepare, but training had better be well under way in order to have a chance at a good performance. 

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