Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Houston, We have a Problem....

The people ultimately in charge of our welfare are certainly not up to the task.  We all know this instinctively, yet we go along with their plans because we are way too busy leading our pedestrian lives.  Among conspiracy theories gaining more and more attention lately is the thought that we must prepare for an asteroid impact.  Government types will see this as an opportunity to raid our wallets yet again.  "All we need to do is blow the thing up with a nuclear weapon!"

But, those bastions of truth and knowledge, the Physicists,  point out the futility of such a scheme.   Again, I add, the truth won't prevent some governmental agency from taking the money from us anyway, I'm just pointing out that we are doomed like the dinosaurs before us when "the big one" hits.  As Everybody Loves Raymond's father once said about marriage, "Not a day goes by when I don't wish for that sweet meteor!"

This post was brought to us by our Official Physicist, Brian Boyer, somewhere in the bowels of Los Alamos.  Thanks for cheering up the troops, big guy!  (And will Brian be attempting to get his name on the Cup for a second time this year, thus earning himself a place of esteem on The Hall of Honor, coming soon to a post near you?)

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