Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tentative Schedule for Reunion/Golf Outing

  • Friday Afternoon:  Practice Round with Steve Balkey and the All-Stars at Freestone Golf Course.  Details will be forthcoming on a later post.  www.Freestonegolf.com
  • Friday Evening:  "7 ish"  The Annual Reunion Evening  at Damon's Grill where we all compare waistlines, hairlines and lifelines!  There will be some special announcements, raffles and the ever-popular "picking of the foursomes".
  • Saturday Morning:  "9 ish"  The soon-to-be annual alumni run/jog/walk/crawl at the outdoor track.  Everyone can run/jog/walk/crawl with Olympians and All-Americans for at least 1/4 mile (400 meters!).  The speedy types can then break away for a real run while us slackers drink coffee or whatever.
  • Saturday Afternoon:  "Noon ish"  Spouses, family, friends and those not golfing can meet for the Climb up Mt. Nittany (it's easy, even little kids and tea-cup Yorkies can do it!) after lunch at the Hampton Inn.  Followed by ice cream at The Berkey Creamery.
  • Saturday Afternoon:  1:00PM  The Ninth Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament at The Elks Club Course.  All grades of golfers participate, from beginners to champions.  Don't be left out! Your chance to be immortalized on the Memorial Cup!
  • Saturday Evening:  "7 ish"  The Shisler Shindig and Awards Ceremony at Damon's Grill.  We will have special announcements and ceremonies again this evening.  You don't want to miss it.

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