Friday, February 14, 2014

Save Us Al Gore!

Is it just me or has this been the harshest winter in recent memory? I'm not talking in terms of snow, which we in the Mid-Atlantic states have been buried in. But we have a lot of snow every winter. I am talking about the sub freezing temperatures. I never complain about the cold weather but this winter has been getting to me. That's how I know its been harsh. Damn that Punxsutawney Phil and his accurate prediction.

Good for a trench warfare snowball fight


  1. Back in the stone ages, PSU closed cancelled classed in February of the '77-78 academic year due to a 2 foot snowfall that blanketed State College.

    What followed was a drunken winter festival that everyone wanted to repeat the next year. Alas, the '78-79 season was much milder (despite Baskwill's claims that every PSU winter was Alaskan).

    There is a difference between short term weather and permanent climate change.

  2. How did I get dragged into this one? I wasn't even online yesterday! I call "Foul"!

  3. must have been 77-78 when two consecutive Sundays had a temperature of minus-17 and coach opened the indoor facility for long runs in relative comfort.
    in the mid80s I went deer hunting one day in Clearfield County when the temp was minus 20. and I'm not talking wind chill.

  4. For the record, I feel we are in a peak level of global warming driven mostly by water vapor forces. The cooling phase following this will last about 30 years before the next upswing. CO2 will turn out to be a very weak driver of climate change.*

    *I believe in climate change and the recent warming in the post-industrial age. It is about 1/3 of the level "top scientists" have told us it is. I do not believe in catastrophic global warming as Al Gore (who got a "D" in meterology in college) does. Although I have made $0 on my knowlwedge and Al Gore has made more than $200M, enough to light and heat his ocenside home at a cost of $15,000/month.

    Now you can bash me in the comments!

  5. And I trust Phil much more than A.G. on just about any topic. Particularly, lounging around during this brutal winter.


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